Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Companies that use Wikis/Blogs

IBM, SAP, and Sony Ericsson all use wikis as part of their developer networks. Others, like Pixar, Carbon Five, and Red Ant use wikis for collaboration with clients and managing production on major projects.
Wikis (20%), blogs (18%)

. There are some 9 million blogs out there, with 40,000 new ones popping up each day.
This is a multi-function tool.
The Blog provides a link with the customer. The customer can read the blog provided by the company and possibly find more interesting 'things' about the product. The customer can also respond to the blog and give instant feedback to the company.
The Blog can also be utilized by the company in such a way as self promotion or cheap advertising. There are some sights that have people saying how amazing a certain product is, when in reality it is someone that works for that company

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_can_companies_use_blogs#ixzz1C4qtuDA8

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